Saturday, August 3, 2019

How to lose belly fat and keep it off

How to lose belly fat and keep it off

There are many resources and many different opinions on how to lose belly fat. After doing much research, this program combines the best of the programs that are available and give the reader a good well rounded program which will allow them to get rid of belly fat, lose weight, and keep it off, if the program is followed as directed.

Belly fat seems to be one of the most stubborn areas to get rid of for most people. However, most people want is a quick fix and that is not what this program is designed for. It will give you needed results quickly but it is designed as a program anyone can incorporate into their life and utilize without dieting or starving themselves.

The first step to achieving your goals is to make a thorough observation of your present diet and daily routine. Most people really have no clue as to what or how much they consume on a daily basis. Start a journal. Write down everything you eat for 2 days running as well as any activity you are doing presently.

On the third day, you are going to grade your diet and your activity levels. You are going to see that there are many things you never realized that you were consuming during the day. This is time to take your inventory. Count how many servings of breads, sweets, sodas and desserts you have been consuming.

The next step after taking your inventory is to make a firm commitment to this program and stick with it! It will not work if you do it for 3 days and stop! This is designed as a way of life, not a quick fix or fad diet and you will see results if you follow this for 2 weeks. This will give you the incentive to continue.

The first rule of thumb is to cut back on sugars and starches which produce fats in the body. So make a pact to cut your servings of breads, sugars, potatoes and desserts in ½. If you totally avoid those types of foods you will start craving them and will eventually want to “cheat” which will not help you in the long run. Avoid sodas as well each soda has around 150 calories which are pure sugar and caffeine. These are empty calories and provide no nutrition for the body. Plan to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily to help hydrate the body, avoid hunger, and rid the body of toxins and fats that are not metabolized by the body.

Next incorporate fat burning foods into your daily diet. This includes 3 servings of dairy products daily such as cheese, milk, and yogurt. The University of Tennessee did a study which showed that people lost twice as much belly fat incorporating this into their diet than those who consumed a diet without it.

Fat burning foods include all citrus fruit, lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, and guava. These are also high in Vitamin C and will help to repair or boost your immune system. Other fat burning vegetables and fruits are carrots, cabbage, broccoli, apples, watermelon, asparagus, beets, and blueberries. Plan to eat at least 4-6 servings per day of these types of foods.

The last step is to start increasing your daily activity to help to tone and shape your body and includes your belly or abdominal muscles. People with poor health or back problems frequently have issues with this as the abdominal muscles keep the spine aligned and the back muscles in correct position. Therefore improving this area of muscle may also help back pain.

This exercise program is very quick and easy to do. Anyone can do this even those who are not in good health or have been sedentary. Importantly start SLOW and work your way up. This increases your chances of continuing.

First start on a daily 10 minute walk outside or on the treadmill. Then a quick 3 minute exercise routine that targets your abdominal muscles and belly fat. You will do 5-10 jumping jacks, squats, crunches, and push ups. If unable to get on the floor, do push ups against the wall with your body at a 45 degree angle. Every 2-3 days increase your routine by one to two repetitions or minutes. You will see results very quickly doing this!

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