Saturday, August 10, 2019

Mediterranean diet recipes

Mediterranean diet recipes

The Mediterranean diet is a diet plan that is based on what people who live in the Mediterranean basin eat, such as in Italy, Greece and Crete. What studies have found is that although people there eat high-fat diets, their incidence of heart and cardiovascular disease was much lower than their counterparts here in the United States. Studies claim that they believe the difference is that those in the Mediterranean eat olive oil as their main source of fat, while here in the United States they mainly eat animal fat.

It has been found that olive oil lowers cholesterol, blood sugar and lowers blood pressure. It has also been found to be useful in the prevention of peptic ulcers, as well as useful in the treatment of ulcers that are already present. It is also being studied for its properties to prevent cancer. Wine that is consumed in moderate amounts in this diet has also proven to be a powerful antioxidant.

The diet consists of these components:

Foods that are eaten in large quantities

Olive oil
Cereals and unrefined grains
Foods that are eaten in moderate quantities

Dairy products (mainly cheese and yogurt)
Foods that are eaten in small quantities

Meat and meat products
In this type of diet, desserts generally consist of fruits or fruit-based products. They use things like honey to get extra sweetness in their food.

Here are some common foods that are found and consumed in the Mediterranean diet.

Olive oil
Cheese and yogurt (keep in mind that it is goat and sheep cheese)
Seafood, Sardines
Cakes, Ice cream, Cookies
Veal and lamb
Bread, pasta, rice, couscous, polenta, potatoes, olives, avocados, grapes
Spinach, Eggplants, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Peppers, Mushrooms, Garlic
Almonds, nuts and other nuts; Chickpeas, white beans, lentils and other beans; Misery
Here are some tips to help you begin to transcend more than the Mediterranean eats. Use olive oil instead of butter, lard or butter in your food and cooking. Try to eat nuts or fruits as snacks instead of chips, crackers or cookies. Use a low-calorie spread, mustard or something similar to avocado cream instead of putting mayonnaise on your sandwich.

The Mediterranean are also people who believe in staying active. They don't have all the modern comforts in many of the smaller villages like the one we have here in the United States. They still do by hand what we have many machines to do. Then, instead of watching television all night, go for a walk and watch nature closely. If you are looking to find something beautiful you will do it. A lot of success or failure is our mentality and how we feel about what we are doing.

If we believe we will succeed, we will work hard and achieve a lot, however, if we begin to doubt that we will achieve our goals in things like this, we have already lost half of the battle.

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