Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Weight loss patches - how effective are they?

Weight loss patches - how effective are they?

One of the new and greatly touted weight loss fads is the weight loss patch. There are two main types of patches available, The Slim Form Patch and The Diet Patch of which the Hoodia is one of the most well known. The patches are supposed to be all natural and will not cause any health issues or concerns. Supporters state that due to the absorption of the ingredients through the skin, the ingredients can enter the blood stream more quickly than drugs that are ingested and have to be metabolized in the liver to work.

The Slim Form Patch is one type of patch that will be discussed in this article. The patch was developed in Europe by Danish scientists and French biologists. Supporters of these types of patches say that they are better than other drugs on the market as they do not contain any of the harmful stimulants or chemical additives.

The main ingredients in the Slim Form patch are marine algae and several essential minerals which are supposed to work by combining the ingredients above. Once they are absorbed by the skin, they help to increase thyroid function, jump start metabolism, and reduce the person’s appetite.

This patch is stated to be safe for use by anyone over the age of 12 and in good health. It is not recommended for those who have diabetes, hypoglycemia, or have thyroid or heart problems. It is recommended to consult with a physician before starting to use this patch.

The second type of patch that is well known is The Hoodia Diet Patch. Hoodia is derived from a South African succulent plant that is found in the deserts there. Supporters of the patch state that scientists have isolated several elements in Hoodia that are responsible for suppressing the appetite. The way it works is described as the plant extract travels to the brain it then tricks the brain by sending signals that the body is full. This is considered to be a natural supplement and supposedly there are not any known side effects from Hoodia.

It has been reported that even though Hoodia was “discovered recently” that San Bushmen have used this for many years. They cut off the stem and eat it in order to stave off hunger while on their hunting trips. They are reported to also use the plant to help indigestion, stomach cramps, diabetes, and hypertension.

The diet patches are very popular today. Most people say that they find them more convenient to use than taking pills. Applying the patch takes away the need to remember to take pills at different times of the day. The patch works 24 hours a day and is supposed to continuously supply the weight loss ingredients into the bloodstream continuously through the day.

One thing of concern and to be aware of prior to purchasing Hoodia is that there are either fake Hoodia products on the market as well as products in which the concentration of Hoodia is so weak that it is considered to be ineffective. Genuine Hoodia manufacturers will have CITES documents and be able to produce them. These are the documents that are required to export hoodia gordonii from South Africa. They will also have chemical analysis available of their product showing that Hoodia is indeed present in their product as well.

Consumers should do their research and consult with their physician prior to using any weight loss supplement. They should be aware as well that since these are considered herbal supplements, they are not governed by the FDA and have not been tested nor any clinical trials done as is required of any prescription medication. So be aware that there has not been a lot of scientific research done on these types of weight loss products to know their effectiveness as well as potential side effects.

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